Thursday 6 October 2011

Austrian-coffee cream cake~!

Hmm.. My mother's birthday is just around the corner. In the midst of the assignments and housework, I decided to squeeze in some time to bake this cake for her (since she liked it so much when I baked it for her last year)~!

It is healthier than the normal cakes because it does not use any oil or butter~! Amazing right~? The different colours of the cake is due to the egg yolk and whites respectively. I had to make the batter separately and then pipe them out in stripes~! Then there is the coffee cream part which I have to whip the cream with coffee powder till it's stiff while the cake is baking in the oven.

Finally..ta-da~! Here's the cake~! It is always handy to keep a few "Happy Birthday" stands at home~!

The long-awaited cake is here~! With almond flakes at the sides =^_^=

Okie..Anyone wants to take order~?? I guarantee you it is yummy..

I wished I had a bigger oven to make a bigger one..*Hint to Santa Clause*

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