Saturday 27 August 2011

Reflection on 25 Aug Lesson

After the lesson, i learnt how to craft an expected lesson plan for a class. With the various lesson plans being critiqued by us, i know what are the tips i could and should follow to make my own lesson plan a more realistic one. Tips like the arrangment of activities to have a smooth flow during lessons, good time management for the each activities being carried out, keeping in mind to have time allowances for students to settle down and having activities to ensure reinforcement of knowledge to students.

I learnt that having a smooth flow of lessons is the most important for the benefit of students. This would allow them to understand a particular topic better since the lessons are inter-related to one another thus we can tap on their prior knowledge to start a new topic. So linking the previous lesson to the next lesson is important. Also as teachers, we should relate the activities or information being taught to them to real life scenarios. This enables them to have a better recollection of the lesson since it would be applicable in their daily life.

Basic grammatical mistakes, realignment of tables or words and same font size and types should not be major problem when crafting a lesson plan since Microsoft Word has the ability to detect such mistakes. Furthermore, i feel that it does not leave a good impression on a teacher to be making such mistakes as it showed how little the effort is shown from the teacher's part.

However, at the end of the day, i do know that to critique others' lesson plans and to create our own lesson plans without making the same mistake is the most challenging task. It is because we might not realise the mistakes we make that easily. We might be a little bias towards our own work, thinking that we had done it well but in actual fact, we are repeating the same mistakes. Therefore, it is important that we are aware and realise these possible mistakes done by others and remember them so that we would try our best to not repeat them.

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